by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Tomb of Khaemwaset (QV 44) NOTE: This royal scepter, known in Egyptian as a heka, was often paired with the flail....
by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu NOTE: This variable refers to occurrences when there is no actual contact between actors, but their attributes/staffs/offerings/etc. overlap one another....
by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu NOTE: The sehemty crown represents control over the Two Lands of Egypt. It is a combination of the deshret crown and hedjet crown and is often referred to as the Dual crown....
by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Tomb of Khaemwaset (QV 44) NOTE: This particular hairstyle came to be the archetypal symbol of youth, whether it appeared on princes, as here, or deities like Horus and...