by Art of Counting | Methods
Our amazing statistical partner, Lili Garrard, is a Senior Analyst at the University of Kansas School of Nursing. She has been involved with the Art of Counting project for more than four years now and has performed a wide array of analyses on the data from Ramses...
by Art of Counting | Current Events Egypt, Zahi Hawass
UPDATE: Dr. Hawass reports on his blog that the legal case has been appealed. Dr. Hawass has posted a response on his blog to the legal case against him. He refutes the charges and states: I have every confidence that this matter will be cleared up very soon, so I...
by Art of Counting | Current Events Egypt, Zahi Hawass
Zahi Hawass has been sentenced to one year in jail and “must be relieved of his government duties”. At the moment, it is somewhat difficult to determine precisely what “land dispute” the article is referring to, but it is probably linked with...
by Art of Counting | Current Events Egypt
Yesterday, Newsweek published an article by Peter Der Manuelian providing an Egyptologist’s view of the state of Egypt’s antiquities. Recently instated Philip J. King Professor of Egyptology at Harvard University and director of the awesome Giza Archive,...
by Art of Counting | Current Events Egypt
In fact, varying levels of blame can be spread far and wide, but at this moment, there are bigger fish to fry. In the wake of the Egyptian revolution, reports emerge almost daily about the state of archaeological sites and antiquities. Despite the Egyptian people...
by Art of Counting | Current Events Egypt
Kate Phizackerley’s News from the Valley of the Kings website brought this local report on the Egyptian Dreams forum of continued illegal excavations at Abydos to my attention. What was reported today is chilling: When the American mission does get here they...
by Art of Counting | Current Events Egypt, Tacky Tourists
Click here to go directly to the March 7th update regarding the resignation Dr. Zahi Hawass and the continued looting in Egypt. In the wake of the Jasmine Revolution in Egypt, as the infrastructure shifts and uncertainty persists, Egyptians continue to aggressively...
by Art of Counting | Current Events Egypt, Zahi Hawass
What a roller-coaster weekend! We kicked it off on a serious high Friday with the long-awaited resignation of Mubarak–Mabruk Masr! This was followed Saturday by the sad confirmation that several major objects in the Cairo Museum were missing. Now, there are...
by Art of Counting | Current Events Egypt, Methods
Delighted by more and more confirmed news emerging of undamaged sites (for regular news updates from multiple sources, see the excellent Egyptology News, Egyptological Looting Database, and Talking Pyramids websites), many of which were guarded by heroic ordinary...
by Art of Counting | Cross Training
Check out this amazing new Google application called Art Project that provides a walk-through exploration of a number of major museums (including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Uffizi in Florence, The Hermitage, and the Tate in London). Many pieces...