Cluster analysis is NOT scary, I promise

Cluster analysis is NOT scary, I promise

Cluster analysis as defined by a statistician:  A procedure by which subjects, cases, or variables are clustered into groups based on similar characteristics of each.  Hierarchical cluster analysis attempts to identify relatively homogenous groups of variables (or...
Tacky Tourist: Fondling AND Picking

Tacky Tourist: Fondling AND Picking

In our ongoing series of tourists doing or wearing, shall we say…interesting things.  Some will make you chuckle, some will make you see red, and some will make you want to track these people down and spank them with a trowel.  At least this one–who was...

Humans are hard-wired to create patterns

Patternicity—Noun—The tendency to find meaningful patterns in both meaningful and meaningless noise. This TED talk demonstrates one of the primary reasons why using a quantitative analytical approach for identifying patterns is vastly superior to relying on an...