by Art of Counting | Tacky Tourists
Our ongoing series of tourists doing or wearing, shall we say…interesting things. Some will make you shriek, some will make you cackle, and some will make you want to start forcibly handing out galabeyas. This one is inappropriate on so many...
by Art of Counting | Results
Is the red looped sash worn at the king’s waist simply an elaborate tie used to hold up the royal kilt, or does it have an inherent significance? If it did carry meaning, what made it appropriate for particular contexts but not for others? The Art of Counting...
by Art of Counting | Inspiration
My toddler’s current favorite...
by Art of Counting | Cross Training
Owen Jarus at Heritage Key reports on a fantastic project focused on the Amarna talatat at Karnak. Looking forward to gaining access to their database once they make it available! Archaeologists are examining a cache of talatat blocks in Luxor that depict Amarna...
by Art of Counting | Cross Training
Kate Phizackerley announced in her blog yesterday that a WordPress hieroglyph plugin is now in development! This is a big project and has recently been initiated, but once completed, this plugin will provide a very valuable resource for Egypt blogs and web-based...