by Art of Counting | Inspiration
Check out this bunch of awesome and horrifying images found in art through the ages, collected on the Chicago Art blog. Just the thing to get you into the Halloween...
by Art of Counting | Tacky Tourists
Our ongoing series of tourists doing or wearing, shall we say…interesting things. Some will horrify you, some will elicit a belly laugh, and some will make you roll your eyes and wish you had control over who can gain access to ancient sites. This one shows a...
by Art of Counting | Cross Training
A collaborative effort by military scientists and entomologists has uncovered the reason(s) behind the mysterious and troubling disappearance of honeybee colonies. Since 2006, 20 to 40 percent of the bee colonies in the United States alone have suffered “colony...
by Art of Counting | Methods
A number of people have responded to the red looped sash discussion with a very important question: how, and why, did I choose the looped sash to investigate? The answer is quite simple: the data led me there. This is the fundamental principle of the Art of Counting...
by Art of Counting | Cross Training
Another example of the immense benefits brought by collaboration between specialists of different fields, in this case classical philologists, mathematical historians, and expert surveyors. A 2nd century map of Germania by the scholar Ptolemy has always stumped...