by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
The Art of Counting project is based on the application of statistical analyses to visual material. In order to perform these analyses, each image must be broken down into individual components that can be quantified and tracked. We have received many requests for...
by Art of Counting | Tacky Tourists
We are pleased to reinitiate our ongoing series of tourists doing or wearing, shall we say…interesting things. Some of these photos will make you cringe, some will make you guffaw, and some will make you want to immediately book every responsible person you...
by Art of Counting | Tacky Tourists
In the wake of the Jasmine Revolution and the uncertainty that has loomed over Egypt for the last many months, it seemed appropriate to temporarily suspend our popular Tacky Tourist series. However, even in this period when Egypt is experiencing a disastrous lull in...
by Art of Counting | Inspiration
Science Daily reports on a collaborative effort by scholars at the University of Southampton and the University of Oxford that has resulted in a new imaging technology. The team revised a technology invented a few years ago at Hewlett Packard Research Laboratories...
by Art of Counting | Current Events Egypt, Zahi Hawass
UPDATE: AP has now released confirmation of Hawass’s resignation in their report on the cabinet reshuffle. Another AP article, out of Cairo, specifically states now that Zahi was “fired.” Any news related to Zahi Hawass will be emotionally charged,...