by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Tomb of Ramses III (KV 11) See here to read a discussion of this wig and it’s significance as royal...
by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu NOTE: The deshret crown (commonly known as the red crown), like many of the other royal headgear, is depicted as being other colors and with embellishments; all are tracked in the database as related but individual elements. This...
by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Tomb of Ramses III (KV 11) NOTE: The designation ‘multiple apron’ refers to any configuration or number (3 or more) of uraei presented in a row at the base of the...
by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu See here for an examination of the atef crown at Medinet Habu. NOTE: The atef crown, like other royal headgear could be depicted plain or with a variety of embellishments, such as extra uraei, cow horns, or solar discs....
by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu NOTE: The king’s round wig is usually, as here, encircled by a seshed diadem. This diadem is tracked as a separate...