by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu NOTE: The sehemty crown represents control over the Two Lands of Egypt. It is a combination of the deshret crown and hedjet crown and is often referred to as the Dual crown....
by Art of Counting | Tacky Tourists
Our ongoing series of toursits doing or wearing…shall we say interesting things. Some will make you ROFLYAO, some will make your blood boil, and some will make you want to wander about with a long switch so you could treat inappropriately exposed flesh to a...
by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Tomb of Khaemwaset (QV 44) NOTE: This particular hairstyle came to be the archetypal symbol of youth, whether it appeared on princes, as here, or deities like Horus and...
by Art of Counting | Current Events Egypt
A few days ago, Luxor News announced that there would soon be exciting news about a find in the Valley of the Kings. Knowing Jane’s connections and context, I was eager to see what came out. Today, Mansour Boraik, the eminent head of Antiquities for the Luxor...
by Art of Counting | Variable of the Day
Temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu NOTE: The small, rounded nw jars are generally associated with wine offerings. They are usually offerred in pairs, as here....